Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Can Divorce be Filed Online in Colorado

Yes, in Colorado, a #divorce can be filed online in some counties, but not all.   Those counties are:

DouglasEl PasoFremontGarfield
Rio BlancoRio GrandeRouttSaguache

For a list of the counties in which you may e-file, visit

You can file for divorce in the county in which you or your spouse reside.  

The e-filing system is called CCE (for Colorado Courts E-filing).The fee to e-file is $12.00 in addition to the filing fees for the document you are filing.  The submission fee of $12.00 is charged every time you e-file a document.

The fee to file for divorce in Colorado is $230.00.  This does not include the $12.00 submission fee described above.  If you file a co-petition, there is just this one filing fee.  However if you are the Respondent and you were served with a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage that was already filed, you will have to pay $116.00 to file a response.  Visit this link for all filing fees for domestic relations cases.

When you file a new divorce case you must have the Respondent personally served, meaning you have to have someone over 18 years old who is not a party to the case hand the Respondent the documents you filed.  After the Respondent has been personally served, you can serve the Respondent by mail with any subsequent filings (except for contempt or any filing that carries potential criminal penalties).  You can opt to have CCE serve the party for you but the cost is really inflated.  Compare a one-page motion that would cost you first class mail postage of $0.55 to mail.  CCE would charge $6.00 to mail the same document.  You pay extra for the convenience.  You can opt out of having CCE serve for you.  

If you wish to have a Sheriff serve your ex, contact the Sheriff's department in the county where the ex lives or works.

Visit this link to access all the documents you need to begin your case or respond to a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage.  If you are unable to afford an attorney, order a copy of Family Law Boot Camp to guide you through the entire process.

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